Guild Ball: Colossus

Guild Ball: Colossus
  • Colossus boxart
  • Ezgif 6 fdbba2ad14f3
1 In Stock.


The Engineers play style is accurate and controls a lot of space. They use all their gadgets, devices and traps in order to influence the flow and direction of the game. From a distance the Engineers seem to move as one giant machine as they play perfectly in sync with one another. They are resilient in combat which leads to their solid play style. Although not as mobile as some of the other teams they are able to move the ball great distances. Once all the pieces are in place they are able to control the pitch while pinging the ball around their opponent.

  • 1x Colossus

Models supplied unpainted, and may also require assembly.


Faction Engineer's Guild,
Game System Guild Ball,
Unit Type Midfielder,
Race Cyborg, Human,
Class Engineer,
Product Type Miniature,
Scale 28mm,
Finish Unpainted,
Material Metal,
Category Fantasy,
Model Count 1,