Guild Ball: Engineer's Guild Starter Set

Guild Ball: Engineer's Guild Starter Set
  • Open uri20200730 24066 aeb9a9
  • Velocity
  • Balista
  • Engineers salvo
2 In Stock.


The Engineers play style is one of accuracy and controlling space. They utilise all manner of gadgets, devices and traps to influence the flow and direction of the game. From a distance, the Engineers players move as one giant machine, perfectly in sync with each other...

Resilient in combat, accurate with the ball, the Engineers have a solid play style. Whilst not as mobile as some teams, they are able to move the ball great distances and accurately too. They excel in the mid-game, once all the pieces are in place they can control the pitch while pinging the ball around their opponent.

In the Engineer's Guild you witness first-hand the evolution of Guild Ball. Bringing a whole new definition to "technical play," the Engineers are not afraid to push the boundaries, using new mechanica to give them the edge on the pitch. Some consider the ranged weaponry of the Guild to be an affront to the grand traditions of the game; other more knowledgeable observers realize they bear witness to the future of Guild Ball.

Mastering the Engineers is an exercise in synergy; comfortable on the ball, they are the consummate masters of possession play. Opponents will find themselves held at arms' length; trying to pick their way through Ballista's deadly minefield and Salvo's rain of crossbow bolts just to watch Velocity accelerate away with the precision and power only a machine can achieve.

  • 1x Ballista, Lord Artificer
  • 1x Salvo, the Marksman
  • 1x Velocity, Quistis Reborn

Models supplied unpainted, and may also require assembly.


Faction Engineer's Guild,
Game System Guild Ball,
Unit Type Captain, Midfielder, Squaddie, Striker, Winger,
Race Human, Robot,
Class Ranger,
Mechanic Action Points, Dice Rolling, Variable Player Powers,
Category Expansion for Base-game, Fantasy, Medieval, Miniatures, Sports, Wargame,
Product Type Miniature,
Scale 28mm,
Finish Unpainted,
Material Metal,
Model Count 3,